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Waqf Establishing

With the decline in the water production of Al-Kandasa, the city of Jeddah again hit a severe water crisis, and the city's elders, merchants and wealthy people rose to raise donations, as did one hundred years ago. However, His Majesty the King (Abdulaziz Al Saud), God bless his soul, has taken the initiative, returned donations to its owners and ordered swift action to solve the water crisis at his own expense, no matter how much money it costs, and in the shortest possible time, bringing the experts, who developed the solutions,
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Jeddah City before Al Ain Azizia

• Al-Ghouri Spring Sultan (Qansuwah Al-Ghouri) was the governor of the Hejaz, when he built around the City of Jeddah (which was small at that time), a high wall surrounded it from all sides, and this was in the year (915 Hijri - 1509 AD),and Al-Ghouri worked on solving the problem of water in the city, so, he ordered extensive studies and calculations and spent a lot of money to bring an ongoing spring to water the residents of the city and its visitors,and revive its lifelessness, these studies resulted in water being brought from (Qaus Valley) in the north of (the Rughama), which is about 12 km far from the city, the reign era of Sultan (Qansuwah Al-Ghouri) soon ends, and the Ottoman Sultan(Selim the First ) comes to power in the year of (923 Hijri - 1517 AD),as he came to power, (Al-GhouriSpring) did not stop flowing but its bestowal continued under the same name until the thirteenth Hijri century. When(Al-GhouriSpring) stopped flowing, Jeddah City fell under the pressure of a huge water crisis, and this was in the year 1270 Hijri, the matter that prompted one of the merchants of Jeddah (FarajYusr), to raise to collect donations, and subsidies from the wealthy of Jeddah, and its notables and merchantmen, to repair the Spring till it overflowed again, and continued to water the human beings of the people of Jeddah, and its visitors for more thirty-four years, till it was exposure to carelessness, and debilitation, so that it stopped again in the year (1302 Hijri -1884 AD). • Al-Waziriyah Spring The government of the Ottoman Sultan (Abd Al-Hamid the Second) paid attention to deliver the water of (Al-WaziriyahSpring), which was conducted by one of the governors of the Turkish Sultanate of the city, and its source is (Al-WaziriyahSpring in the east of Jeddah), and it was named Al-HamidiyahSpring related to Sultan Abd Al-Hamid, then it was renamed again with (Al-Waziriyah eye). The beginning of the work in the (Al-WaziriyahSpring) was the end of (Al-Ghouri Spring); however, (Al Waziriyah Spring) did not fully meet the needs of the population, because of its salinity due to the proximity of its source to the City of Jeddah , which is close to the salt water of the Red Sea, as the distance that separates (Al Waziriyah Spring) from the City of Jeddah is estimated to be about ten Kilometers only, besides it was much affected by the rain, the more rain was, the more the water validity for drinking was, and contrarily the the water validity for drinking reduced by the reduction of rain, until this spring stopped working in the year (1327 Hijri - 1909 AD). • The-Kendasa With the development of life, and the world entered the age of steam which happened together with the growing role of Jeddah city,-the welcoming relaxing gate of Mecca -as a basic source for pilgrims, and the headquarters of the consuls of foreign countries, The West invented steam distillation machines that turn sea water into drinking water valid for drinking and irrigation. The Ottoman government saw that the water of (Al-WaziriyahSpring) was insufficient, to meet the needs of the population, so its decision settled to bring this distiller machine, thus it entered the country in the year of (1325 Hijri - 1907 AD), this machine was known among the citizens under the name of (The-Kendasa). The-Kendasa made a kind of satisfaction and reassurance, due to the existence of water valid for drinking, (especially for foreign communities and consuls of countries), where there was a great demand from them to use this water as it free –from their point of view- of germs, which cisterns and the water of (Al-Azizia Spring) may be exposed to. But The-Kendasa produces only 300 tons of distilled drinking water daily, which was not sufficient, to meet the needs of the city's population, which was expanding, as Spring as damages that happened to (The-Kendasa), from time to time, the water cut off, so that the drinking and use center returned to the water of (Al-WaziriyahSpring), and other cisterns. In (1328 Hijri -1910 AD), (The-Kendasa) was disrupted, then repaired, and returned to work, and continued to work intermittently, until it completely stopped working in the year of(1346 Hijri – 1927 AD), The-Kendasa was operated by the coal that was cut off from reaching Jeddah City in the year of( 1343 Hijri - 1344 Hijri), and when the coal was cut off from the city, they burned firewood on it, which accelerated its completely damage in the year of (1346 Hijri - 1927 AD), the matter that prompted the government, to import two large distillation machines, in the same year, to solve the water crisis, and desalination of sea water, but the rise of pilgrims, population growth, and the city's expansion, led to overburden the two machines beyond their ability , which accelerated the damage of one of them.
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King Abdulaziz stood for the Ain Al Aziziya

King Abdulaziz Endowment for the Ain Al Aziziya is a cultural charitable project stopped by the founder-God's Mercy-since the last century to transform a limited idea of transporting water to the city of Jeddah, to a cultural project that drilled wells, renting eyes from the area (Khalas and Wadi Fatima), and laying the freshwater lines of the city of Jeddah, and creating the prick This timeless endowment provides fresh water to the people of Jeddah, visitors to pilgrims and tourists, and expatriates
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Al Ain al Aziziya establishment

with the retraction of water production of (The-Kendasa), A severe water crisis hit the city of Jeddah again , then the elite , merchants and rich people of the city rose up to collect donations like someone of them did a hundred years before. But His Majesty King (Abdul-Aziz Al Saud) – May Allah lighten his stay in earth – took the initiative , thus he returned the donations to their owners, and ordered quick procedures to solve the water crisis on his own expense , no matter how much money it costs in the shortest possible time, so he brought the experts who developed solutions to outflow water from (Fatema Valley) water Springs then from (Khulais Valley) to Jeddah City to irrigate people , animals and plants. Fatema Valley and Khulais Valley are two semi – contiguous valleys located in the eastern and north –eastern side of Jeddah City and their Springs form the source of Al Azizia Spring water as their water height levels are high above sea level a height that is suitable for water access to Jeddah City with downhill and its rise to the upper floors naturally . Al Azizia Spring management had made the accurate technical and engineering studies that guarantees the success of the project, and the avoidance of any technical error or any defect in implementation, as it studied carefully the levels of water height as Spring as the amount of flowing water and its strength, in each Spring of Fatema Valley Springs and then in the Khulais Valley afterwards. Then the endowment management had made the Technical studies required to extend water supply lines to the homes houses with enough diameters that could absorb the increasing amounts of water which is required by the expanding urban status of Jeddah day after day. In the past, the Bazanat and the Ashyab (a bazan is a specified place for drinking which was a water network connected to pipes, ashyab, from which water flowed to fill an iron tank held on two wheels and tied to a Pack- livestock animal) played an important role in irrigating the suburbs , which were difficult for the pipes network to reach from the city, soon, these Bazanat were closed one by one because they were no longer needed with the expansion of the project and the extension of networks and their access to the remote neighborhoods of Jeddah. Thus, The King Abdul-Aziz Endowment (Waqf) of Al-Azizia Spring comprehensive charity project achieved its optimal goals , through which his implementer and endower His Majesty the founder King Abdul-Aziz Al Saud saved an important city of his up-growing kingdom from the chronic deprivation from the most important life source which is drinking water. At the first moment water of Fatema Valley reached Jeddah, all the people in it were overwhelmed with joy and festivals were held as water was transferred in healthy pipes, this was on (the First of Muharram in the year 1367 Hijri- meeting 15 November 1947 A.D.), the citizens realized how great the effort done was to make the difficult easy, the joy was overwhelming included with optimism and cheerfulness with the bright future of their city, how couldn't this be and his Majesty could, with the talents he had and the help of his Lord, get the people of Jeddah and the pilgrims who come to it every year out of cervical thirst, paying from his own money, willing the reward Allah has, for each life drank, each brute drank, and each tree was seeded, the influence of this great event went on growing and expanding its circle, day after day, represented in development, prosperity and wealth growing.
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Welcome message from the board

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the Ashraf of prophets and messengers. And after As the years passed, the more valuable the "King Abdul Aziz Endowment of the Azizia Eye", which changed the map of al-Omran in the city of Jeddah geographically and human, and became a fundamental factor of stability and development in it, God has approved the founding King-God's mercy-to establish this eternal endowment
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Historical document

His Majesty King (Abdul-Aziz Ben Saud)- May Allah have mercy on him- made the Al-Azizia Spring project an outstanding endowment (Waqf) for Jeddah, its population, visitors, pilgrimages and those who come to it, to be an ongoing charity with flowing goodness for people and great reward to its founder and the one who made its water to run with the aid of his God, accomplishing the saying of our Honorable Prophet "Salla Allah alihewasallam" Prayers and Peace be upon him - when asked about charity is the best? he said: " Giving water to the thirsty ". People of Jeddah celebrated in their great festival which they held on the occasion of delivering water to Jeddah, on Tuesday (the Fifth of Muharram in the year 1367 Hijri- corresponding 19 November 1947 A.D.), which was attended by Princes, Senior State Officials, Foreigner Communities, Consuls of States and a large audience of people, the celebrants wrote a historical document in which they showed the joy of the nation with this great project, this is its text: " I seek the refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate Braise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, Prayers by Allah be upon our Prophet Mohammad and his household and Companions all. And…, Allah Subahanah W Ta'ala said in His Glorified Book: "There is no good in most of their secret talks save (in) him who orders Sadaqah (charity in Allâh's Cause), or Ma'roûf (Islamic Monotheism and all the good and righteous deeds which Allâh has ordained), or conciliation between mankind…". Allah Subahanah W Taala also said, praising water: "And We have made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?" The Prophet " Salla Allah alihewasallam" Prayers and Peace be upon him, said: When a man dies, his deeds are cut off except for three: Continuing charity, knowledge that others benefit from and a righteous son supplicates for him). And " Salla Allah alihewasallam" Prayers and Peace be upon him said: (The best charity is Giving water to the thirsty). Thus, His Majesty, King Abdul-Aziz Ben Abd Al-Rahman Al-Faysal Al-Saud, King of The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, wished to get a share in the rewards Allah prepared for charitable men, he was keen to provide the means of comfort and reassurance for his honorable people and the delegations to the safe Home of Allah, and because the City of Jeddah lived such long centuries deprived from potable water for its people to drink from except for rain water gathered in the cisterns or what is distilled from salty sea water by new technical machinesthis city has lived all those years anguish severely the pains of deprivation from the substance of life which no life for people with Allah's command except with it, and no stability for them except through the availability and existence of it, thus, he ordered- May Allah save him and lengthen his happy life- that the amounts enough for the drinking of the city of Jeddah from the Springs of Fatema Valley to be bought, and this water to be pulled from it and it is sixty-five kilometers far, from Jeddah into the city, so that the residents of the state, pilgrimages, and visitors drink from it, all that on the cost of His Majesty and at his own expense, in a Hadith of the Prophet" Salla Allah alihewasallam" Prayers and Peace be upon him (Whichever believer gives drink to a thirsty believer, Allah gives him to drink from the 'sealed nectar' on the Day of Resurrection), how would it be for who gave a drink to thousands and thousands of Muslims?! Thus, His Excellency Minister of Finance, Shaikh Abdu-Allah. Al-Soliman The Grandest, has undertaken implementing the SupremeRoyal Wish, since he is Spring-known for his spunk and mettle, in this precious historical mission, with all efforts it undertakes, may Allah rewards him and all those who worked on it the best reward. It is on Tuesday 5/1 (Muharram)/1967 Hijri this water has reached the City of Jeddah, and this holly hour in which water reached this city, is really a great historical one, so that all classes of the Saudi people has participated celebrating it, princes, ministers, elite, workers and people, all feel the greatest joy for the success of this grand project. Hence we record this Historical Document in this great situation, we ask Allah Ta'ala to lengthen the age of His Majesty, King Abdul-Aziz Ben Abd Al-Rahman Al-Faysal Al-Saud, and to much reward him the utmost fulfilled reward and the good reward, and to guarantee rewarding him for the Muslims with Paradise Amen, Oh Allah Amen". The document carried more than 300 signatures
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Statement by the Secretary-General

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the Honorable messengers, but after... We welcome visitors to the site of the Waqf of King Abdulaziz to the eye of al-Aziziah, in which we were keen to be a rich and assured source of all the information concerning the Waqf, that monument that stands witness to the city of Jeddah from a comprehensive renaissance began with the emergence of the Waqf Al Ain al-Aziziya, and evolved through the years, until the debtor reached To its prestigious position and its current status that it deserves.
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The impact of Al-Ain Azizia

The entry of treated fresh water into clean and sanitary pipes to homes permanently and continuously, protected from pollution and loss, free of diseases and germs, has had a great effect on improving the general health of Jeddah's population of all ages and has played a key role in reducing diseases and epidemics, Malaria, caused by the Anopheles mosquito, which was breeding in the marshes and stagnant ponds, which are frequently present in the roads of Jeddah, before its comprehensive renaissance, represented in the Project of Al-Azizia Spring. It was normal after the people became safe from thirstand they were sure that the flow of life fluid to their homes would continue to look beyond the water. The city that was before the Al-Azizia project was restricted into a high wall of no more than three square kilometers ,has expanded. The urbanizationhas spread through the four sides, that this restricting wall was demolished , and the narrow dirty streets were replacedwith wide asphalt streets surrounded with trees, also electricity was under scope to light the streets and houses, instead of gas kerosene, that electricity was used in the city of Jeddah, three years after entering the spring of Al-Azizia, that was the year (1370 - 1950 AD ) . People have competed in building and the old and mud wooden houses were replaced with modern concrete oneseasy to build above that the beautiful houses, villas and residential buildings appeared .Building style has been renovated that the windows have decorated the entrance of the houses, giving it the opportunity to breathe. the floors had enough space to allow air to pass in between unlike that of the old buildings .In the houses, the cisterns, which were a hotbed of waste and germs, were replaced by concrete cement tanks, which were filled directly from the Al-Azizia spring,that subsequently improved the health of the population and the integrity of their lives. Jeddah has witnessed a huge prosperity after the entry of Al-Azizia water as it became a coastal city filled with the causes of civilization, which attracted individuals and groups from all over the world for tourism and accommodation, which had an effect in the process of production and expansion in building stores and factories. Small industries were developed. Large industries emerged, especially those that required large amounts of water to cool machines and workers' needs such as cement, refreshments, foodstuffs, leather industries , etc., which led the government to reform the new port and to undertake an administrative renaissance in the city. Network of Wide roads had been established that had played a vital role in the overall economic renaissance, through facilitating the supply of goods as soon as possible. As Jeddah is the site of the diplomatic representation of the countries of the world, the sector of hotels and tourism had been expanded throughout the year, after it was limited to the seasons of Hajj, as Springas with the industrial renaissancecoincided with another scientific and media renaissance. The Saudi Arabian press concentrated in Jeddah, to participate effectively in the growth of the Saudi economy, as the economy is accompanied with the science and media, and huge schools have been spread throughout Jeddah, witnessing what happened and happening in the city, from rise at all levels, that Al-Azizia spring will truly remain the gift of His Majesty King Abdul Aziz to the people of Jeddah and that water stays forever the secret of life and the essence of civilization.
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Establishment of King Abdulaziz Endowment

The ministerial order was issued to launch the name of (King Abdul-Aziz Endowment (Waqf) of Al-Azizia Spring), on this great project, through which Springs were drilled, the Springs were rented from (Khulais and Fatema Valley), potable water lines were extended to the City of Jeddah, and the reservoirs were built in it, as a preparation for benefiting from it and distributing it. It is worth mentioning that the project has achieved the vision of His Majesty King Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud - may Allah have mercy on him -and his incisive vision of the future, represented in the expansion of the population of the City of Jeddah, accompanied by the expansion, and a comprehensive renaissance in agricultural, industrial, and commercial investments, which made Jeddah an attractive point of the population, the matter that appropriates the long-deep history of the city,as one of the oldest cities of the world,which put (Al-Azizia Spring) in a continuous confrontation with modern challenges, especially with the decline in water level in (Khulais and Fatima Valley),which afterwards led to the delivery of most of( Al-Azizia Spring) establishments to the Ministry of Agriculture and Water in the year of 1395 Hijri. Since the goal of (Al-Azizia Spring), which was endowed by the founder king -may Allah have mercy on him -, is to deliver water to Jeddah's population, and its visitors,and provide the best solutions, that contribute in solving the water crisis in the city, The supreme honorable Order No. 276 was issued on 14/11 (Zu Al-Qida)/1422 Hijri, which sets up the formation of Al-Nazara council ( Board ) for King Abdul-Aziz 's –may Allah have mercy on him - endowment for Al-Azizia Spring, the Board shall undertake setting the general policy of the endowment, that shall preserve it, and guarantee its rights and interests, and develop its prosperities and assets, and invest its resources,and to spend it in its appropriate legitimate expenses suitable to the goal for which His Majesty late King (Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud) may Allah have mercy on him may God. The supreme honorable Order also stated the dissolution of the Administration of Al-Azizia Spring, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Water (then) to undertake the water sector in the City of Jeddah, until establishing the Ministry of Water and Electricity. Afterwards the Ministry of Water and Electricity was established, then the National Water Company was established,to perform the functions of water distribution in Jeddah Governorate, and managing and maintaining its networks, and other related tasks, hereby(King Abdul-Aziz Endowment (Waqf) of Al-Azizia Spring), became a charity institution with an independent legitimate personality, settled in Jeddah City, and consists of the Board, which manages the financial and real estate properties of the Endowment, and supervises its charitable activities in order to achieve the mission of the endower.
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Organizational structure

Organizational structure
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Organizational structure of the Secretariat

Organizational structure of the Secretariat
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