The entry of treated fresh water into clean and sanitary pipes to homes permanently and continuously, protected from pollution and loss, free of diseases and germs, has had a great effect on improving the general health of Jeddah's population of all ages and has played a key role in reducing diseases and epidemics, Malaria, caused by the Anopheles mosquito, which was breeding in the marshes and stagnant ponds, which are frequently present in the roads of Jeddah, before its comprehensive renaissance, represented in the Project of Al-Azizia Spring.
It was normal after the people became safe from thirstand they were sure that the flow of life fluid to their homes would continue to look beyond the water. The city that was before the Al-Azizia project was restricted into a high wall of no more than three square kilometers ,has expanded. The urbanizationhas spread through the four sides, that this restricting wall was demolished , and the narrow dirty streets were replacedwith wide asphalt streets surrounded with trees, also electricity was under scope to light the streets and houses, instead of gas kerosene, that electricity was used in the city of Jeddah, three years after entering the spring of Al-Azizia, that was the year (1370 - 1950 AD ) .
People have competed in building and the old and mud wooden houses were replaced with modern concrete oneseasy to build above that the beautiful houses, villas and residential buildings appeared .Building style has been renovated that the windows have decorated the entrance of the houses, giving it the opportunity to breathe. the floors had enough space to allow air to pass in between unlike that of the old buildings .In the houses, the cisterns, which were a hotbed of waste and germs, were replaced by concrete cement tanks, which were filled directly from the Al-Azizia spring,that subsequently improved the health of the population and the integrity of their lives.
Jeddah has witnessed a huge prosperity after the entry of Al-Azizia water as it became a coastal city filled with the causes of civilization, which attracted individuals and groups from all over the world for tourism and accommodation, which had an effect in the process of production and expansion in building stores and factories. Small industries were developed. Large industries emerged, especially those that required large amounts of water to cool machines and workers' needs such as cement, refreshments, foodstuffs, leather industries , etc., which led the government to reform the new port and to undertake an administrative renaissance in the city. Network of Wide roads had been established that had played a vital role in the overall economic renaissance, through facilitating the supply of goods as soon as possible.
As Jeddah is the site of the diplomatic representation of the countries of the world, the sector of hotels and tourism had been expanded throughout the year, after it was limited to the seasons of Hajj, as Springas with the industrial renaissancecoincided with another scientific and media renaissance. The Saudi Arabian press concentrated in Jeddah, to participate effectively in the growth of the Saudi economy, as the economy is accompanied with the science and media, and huge schools have been spread throughout Jeddah, witnessing what happened and happening in the city, from rise at all levels, that Al-Azizia spring will truly remain the gift of His Majesty King Abdul Aziz to the people of Jeddah and that water stays forever the secret of life and the essence of civilization.