
With the development of life, the entry of the world of steam, which coincided with the growing role (Jeddah City), the gap of Mecca-Basim, as a primary resource for pilgrims, and the headquarters of the consuls of foreign countries, the West invented steam distillation machines, which transform seawater, into freshwater potable water and irrigation. The Ottoman government considered the inadequacy of the water (Al Ain al-Uriya) to the needs of the population, and settled its decision to bring this distilled machine, so the country entered the year (1325-1907), which was known, among the citizens in the name of (al-Kandasa). The Kandasa, a kind of satisfaction and reassurance, of the existence of potable water, (especially for foreign communities and Consuls of States), where there was a large turnout, to use this water to be alone – from their point of view – from the germs, which may be exposed to the tanks and water (Al Ain Alriya). However, the Kandasa produces only 300 tons of distilled freshwater per day, which is not enough, to meet the expanding needs of the city's population, as well as the occasional breakdowns in the water, so that the drinking centre, and the use of the water (al-Ein-Al-Azriya), will be disrupted, And other tanks. In the year (1328 Ah-1910), the Kandasa was disrupted, repaired, returned to work, and continued to operate intermittently, until it ceased to work, in the year (1346-1927), and the Kandasa was working with charcoal, which was cut off from his arrival in the city of Jeddah (1343 H-1344), when the coal was cut off The city, they were led by firewood, which precipitated the destruction of the whole year (1346-1927 CE), which prompted the government to import two large-scale machines, in the same year, to solve the water crisis, desalination of seawater, but the increasing pilgrims, population growth, and the expansion of the city, led to the loading of the machines, more than Their energy, which precipitated the ruin of one of them.

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