The ministerial order was issued to launch the name of (King Abdul-Aziz Endowment (Waqf) of Al-Azizia Spring), on this great project, through which Springs were drilled, the Springs were rented from (Khulais and Fatema Valley), potable water lines were extended to the City of Jeddah, and the reservoirs were built in it, as a preparation for benefiting from it and distributing it.
It is worth mentioning that the project has achieved the vision of His Majesty King Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud - may Allah have mercy on him -and his incisive vision of the future, represented in the expansion of the population of the City of Jeddah, accompanied by the expansion, and a comprehensive renaissance in agricultural, industrial, and commercial investments, which made Jeddah an attractive point of the population, the matter that appropriates the long-deep history of the city,as one of the oldest cities of the world,which put (Al-Azizia Spring) in a continuous confrontation with modern challenges, especially with the decline in water level in (Khulais and Fatima Valley),which afterwards led to the delivery of most of( Al-Azizia Spring) establishments to the Ministry of Agriculture and Water in the year of 1395 Hijri.
Since the goal of (Al-Azizia Spring), which was endowed by the founder king -may Allah have mercy on him -, is to deliver water to Jeddah's population, and its visitors,and provide the best solutions, that contribute in solving the water crisis in the city, The supreme honorable Order No. 276 was issued on 14/11 (Zu Al-Qida)/1422 Hijri, which sets up the formation of Al-Nazara council ( Board ) for King Abdul-Aziz 's –may Allah have mercy on him - endowment for Al-Azizia Spring, the Board shall undertake setting the general policy of the endowment, that shall preserve it, and guarantee its rights and interests, and develop its prosperities and assets, and invest its resources,and to spend it in its appropriate legitimate expenses suitable to the goal for which His Majesty late King (Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud) may Allah have mercy on him may God.
The supreme honorable Order also stated the dissolution of the Administration of Al-Azizia Spring, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Water (then) to undertake the water sector in the City of Jeddah, until establishing the Ministry of Water and Electricity. Afterwards the Ministry of Water and Electricity was established, then the National Water Company was established,to perform the functions of water distribution in Jeddah Governorate, and managing and maintaining its networks, and other related tasks, hereby(King Abdul-Aziz Endowment (Waqf) of Al-Azizia Spring), became a charity institution with an independent legitimate personality, settled in Jeddah City, and consists of the Board, which manages the financial and real estate properties of the Endowment, and supervises its charitable activities in order to achieve the mission of the endower.